Thursday, May 31, 2007

Entourage: The Complete First Season: A-

This hilarious HBO show has been called by many "Sex and The City with guys". Now although I won't argue that it bears striking similarities to it's east coast sister this show is more "Fame and The Guys". It's 40% twisted satire, 60% great hetero-guy bonding show about four best friends moving to L.A. to support the one of them that made it in Hollywood.

The four best friends are: Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), the "it boy" of the Hollywood moment, Eric "E" (Kevin Connoly), his semi-manager, Turtle (Jerry Ferera), the man who always knows-a-guy-who-knows-a-guy, and Vincent's older brother Johnny "Drama" (Kevin Dillon). The twisted satire comes in the form of several great celebritiy cameos (always playing themselves) including Scarlett Johanssen, Gary Busey, Sarah Silverman, and Jimmy Kimmel, Vincent's high-powered foaming at the mouth agent Ari Gold (the amazing Jeremy Piven) who loves to shout lines like "hug it out bitch!", and Vincent's publicist Shawna (Debi Mazar) who hates practically half of Hollywood and represents the other half.

The show is acid-tounged and smart in it's portrayal of Hollywood but that's only half the fun(ny) and touch(ing). The other half comes in the form of the four guys and their not with women but with each other. Like in the season finale when Eric has a fight with Vincent over how best to interact with his career, or when in "Busey and The Beach" they all rally around Turtle and his might have been celebrity fued with Gary Busey. The cast is superb and Adrien Grenier is especially suprising in his ability to add split-second sincerity and compassion to a character that could have been a skease. These guys act like friends in ways even the "Sex" girls couldn't have dreamed of.

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