Thursday, May 31, 2007

Golden Globes Post-Show

Hollywood's second most important night has again been brought to a close. Last year it was to the appaluse of Ang Lee as he ascended the stage for Brokeback Mountain's Best Picture Golden Globe. Tonight, Alejandro Gonzales Innauritu was ecstatic that Babel won. Either way, and either year, there were good things, bad things, sad things, and ugly things. Here's what I have to say:

The Good: Jennifer Hudson won for her explosion of talent that was a performance in Dreamgirls. Eddie Murphy did the same for the exact same movie. Peter Morgan picked up a globe for his powerfully witty script for The Queen. Sacha Baron Cohen won a globe for his "performance" as dimbulb journalist Borat in Borat. Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren both one Best Actress globes and Mrs. Streep delightfully prattled on for about 5 minutes. Kyra Sedgewick upset everyone by garnering a globe for her performance on The Closer. Hugh Laurie's "speech" was great. Warren Beaty made a very long thank you ramble for receiving the life-time achievement award from Tom Hanks after his pretty neat video tribute.

The Bad: Jeremy Piven didn't manage to squeeze past the monolith that is Elizabeth I and pick up an award for his continually brilliant performance on Entourage. Some strange Happy Feet song by Prince picked up the win for Best Song, even though Beyonce's "Listen" was both better and more favored. Sadly, Prince was stuck in traffic at the time so he couldn't accept..thus provoking Justin T. to mock him. Warren Beaty made a very long thank you speech.

The Sad: The accepted winners were everywhere tonight (ex: Helen Mirren reigned over the entire thing picking up two globes and being mentioned by everyone and their mother who crossed the golden podium, Hugh Laurie won again). Will Smith couldn't pull a victory from the jaws of Forrest Whittaker for Best Actor. At least he'll get nominated. Babel won Best Picture, even though not only The Departed but The Queen also were higher in quality. Still, if Babel eventually takes that golden man for the same thing I won't be too upset. Oh and, Warren Beaty made a very long thank you.

The Ugly: Clint Eastwood, having just won for Best Foreign Film, mocked Jennifer Hudson's acceptance speech (which was amazing by the way). People were shocked and awed that television's freshman suprise (and most overrated thing currently airing) Ugly Betty not only won Best Comedy, but Best Actress for America Ferrarra. Where's the love for The Office,
Entourage, or even Scrubs?

Well that's it for me. If you agreed, disagreed, hated it, didn't read it or whatever tell me why. I'm always curious.
See you next awards analysis.

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