Thursday, May 31, 2007

X-Men 3: The Last Stand: C+

There comes at time in every franchise when things need to be taken down a notch...or three. I suppose the new producers of the current X-Men product decided that was just the thing for this once amazingly fun franchise. The writing, once strangely smart and witty, has been dumbed down all the way to crotch-level. The story line, though still intriguing, ends up being mean and weakened considerably by the idiotic loose ends here and there (i.e. how did Scott die? what was that closing shot again?).

The acting remains good, even alittle improved with Halle Berry (the main reason this sequel-sequel was delayed for almost 3 years) finally adding her southern drama chops to the full team effort of the cast. The plot in detail? Basically Jean Grey, who died last movie, comes back as the marvelously powerful "Pheonix" (this stays true to the comics), and then proceeds to destroy a few key players in the past two X-Men movies (this doesn't). Along the way both Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellan) try and stop her.....and fail. I won't spoil who does finally manage to stop her destructive tirade(s?) but I will say that for about 1 hour in the middle of the film you get the sense that this could have worked. If not for the fact that Iceman and Rouge's stories completely fade away, Ben Foster is so totally under utilized as the ArchAngel, and (oh yeah) alot of people DIE unexpectedly.

X-2 was the epotimy of comic book movies: cheap and fun and filled with action, it's sequel manages to be cheap and filled (with some great) action but it is not very fun compared to the rip-roaring good time of Srg. Striker and gang. Bring Bryan Singer back and try not to ever let Brett Ratner (the director) within 100 yards of a superhero movie again. Please.

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